iBuyers - The Good The Bad The Ugly
Thursday, October 5, 2023 (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM) (EDT)
REALTORS® must register for this webinar through their Primary Association. Primary Association will be billed by Florida REALTORS® for their attendance.
Florida REALTORS® Virtual Campus course will be iBUYERS - THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY 2 HR CE with BILL LUBLIN as your instructor.
iBuyers (Instant Buyers) are a relatively recent phenomenon that is attracting a huge amount of attention from Venture Capitalists, Consumers, and the Real Estate Industry. This business model offers quick sales at narrow margins and is intent on gaining a share of the 100 billion dollars earned annually by real estate professionals.
As iBuyer companies garner headlines and news articles, there is, as always, a lot of confusion about who they are and how they operate. It is imperative that real estate agents be able to clarify that place in the industry for consumers who have concerns or questions.
Objectives: After taking the class students will be able to:
- Understand the current state of the real estate industry and the impact of venture capitalists in the space
- Understand the concepts of FinTech and PropTech
- Understand the concept of iBuyers
- Identify the differences between iBuyers and traditional investment-guaranteed sale programs
- Review and understand the current crop of iBuyers
- Review the surprises of iBuying
- Review and understand "iBuyer Adjacent" models
- Define the benefits and weaknesses of iBuyer programs for consumers
- Techniques for agents to use in markets with iBuyers
- Identify business opportunities generated by iBuying platforms
- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of iBuyer programs and the consumer
Class Sponsor

Lakeland REALTORS® offers Florida REALTORS® Virtual Campus classes for 2023 to its Primary REALTOR® Members at no charge.
EDU-CE Virtual